C. Beck, “DiaSense at SemEval-2020 Task 1: Modeling Sense Change via Pre-trained BERT Embeddings,” in
Proceedings of the Fourteenth Workshop on Semantic Evaluation, in Proceedings of the Fourteenth Workshop on Semantic Evaluation. Barcelona (online): International Committee for Computational Linguistics, Dec. 2020, pp. 50--58. [Online]. Available:
This paper describes DiaSense, a system developed for Task 1 `Unsupervised Lexical Semantic Change Detection' of SemEval 2020. In DiaSense, contextualized word embeddings are used to model word sense changes. This allows for the calculation of metrics which mimic human intuitions about the semantic relatedness between individual use pairs of a target word for the assessment of lexical semantic change. DiaSense is able to detect lexical semantic change in English, German, Latin and Swedish (accuracy = 0.728). Moreover, DiaSense differentiates between weak and strong change.BibTeX
C. Beck, H. Booth, M. El-Assady, and M. Butt, “Representation Problems in Linguistic Annotations: Ambiguity, Variation, Uncertainty, Error and Bias,” in
Proceedings of the 14th Linguistic Annotation Workshop, in Proceedings of the 14th Linguistic Annotation Workshop. Barcelona, Spain: Association for Computational Linguistics, Dec. 2020, pp. 60--73. [Online]. Available:
The development of linguistic corpora is fraught with various problems of annotation and representation. These constitute a very real challenge for the development and use of annotated corpora, but as yet not much literature exists on how to address the underlying problems. In this paper, we identify and discuss five sources of representation problems, which are independent though interrelated: ambiguity, variation, uncertainty, error and bias. We outline and characterize these sources, discussing how their improper treatment can have stark consequences for research outcomes. Finally, we discuss how an adequate treatment can inform corpus-related linguistic research, both computational and theoretical, improving the reliability of research results and NLP models, as well as informing the more general reproducibility issue.BibTeX
Data-informed decision-making processes play a fundamental role across disciplines.To support these processes, knowledge needs to be extracted from high-dimensional(HD) and complex datasets. Visualizations play hereby a key role in identifying andunderstanding patterns within the data. However, the choice of visual mappingheavily influences the effectiveness of the visualization. While one design choice isuseful for a particular task, the very same design can make another analysis taskmore difficult, or even impossible. This doctoral thesis advances the quality andpattern-driven optimization of visualizations in two core areas by addressing theresearch question:“How can we effectively design visualizations to highlight patterns –using automatic and user-driven approaches?”The first part of the thesis deals with the question“how can we automaticallymeasure the quality of a particular design to optimize the layout?”We summarizethe state-of-the-art in quality-metrics research, describe the underlying concepts,optimization goals, constraints, and discuss the requirements of the algorithms.While numerous quality metrics exist for all major HD visualizations, researchlacks empirical studies to choose a particular technique for a given analysis task.In particular for parallel coordinates (PCP) and star glyphs, two frequently usedtechniques for high-dimensional data, no study exists which evaluates the impact ofdifferent axes orderings. Therefore, this thesis contributes an empirical study anda novel quality metric for both techniques. Based on our findings in the PCP study,we also contribute a formalization of how standard parallel coordinates distort theperception of patterns, in particular clusters. To minimize the effect, we propose anautomatic rendering technique.The second part of the thesis is user-centered and addresses the question“howcan analysts support the design of visualization to highlight particular patterns?”We contribute two techniques: Thev-plot designeris a chart authoring tool todesign custom hybrid charts for the comparative analysis of data distributions. Itautomatically recommends basic charts (e.g., box plots, violin-typed visualizations,and bar charts) and optimizes a custom hybrid chart called v-plot based on a setof analysis tasks.SMARTexploreuses a table metaphor and combines easy-to-applyinteraction with pattern-driven layouts of rows and columns and an automaticallycomputed reliability analysis based on statistical measures.In summary, this thesis contributes quality-metrics and user-driven approachesto advance the quality- and pattern-driven optimization of high-dimensional datavisualizations. The quality metrics and the grounding of the user-centered techniquesare derived from empirical user studies while the effectiveness of the implementedtools is shown by domain expert evaluations.BibTeX
V. Bruder, C. Müller, S. Frey, and T. Ertl, “On Evaluating Runtime Performance of Interactive Visualizations,”
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, vol. 26, pp. 2848–2862, Sep. 2020, doi:
As our field matures, evaluation of visualization techniques has extended from reporting runtime performance to studying user behavior. Consequently, many methodologies and best practices for user studies have evolved. While maintaining interactivity continues to be crucial for the exploration of large data sets, no similar methodological foundation for evaluating runtime performance has been developed. Our analysis of 50 recent visualization papers on new or improved techniques for rendering volumes or particles indicates that only a very limited set of parameters like different data sets, camera paths, viewport sizes, and GPUs are investigated, which make comparison with other techniques or generalization to other parameter ranges at least questionable. To derive a deeper understanding of qualitative runtime behavior and quantitative parameter dependencies, we developed a framework for the most exhaustive performance evaluation of volume and particle visualization techniques that we are aware of, including millions of measurements on ten different GPUs. This paper reports on our insights from statistical analysis of this data discussing independent and linear parameter behavior and non-obvious effects. We give recommendations for best practices when evaluating runtime performance of scientific visualization applications, which can serve as a starting point for more elaborate models of performance quantification.BibTeX
M. Dias, D. Orellana, S. Vidal, L. Merino, and A. Bergel, “Evaluating a Visual Approach for Understanding JavaScript Source Code,” in
Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Program Comprehension, in Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Program Comprehension. ACM, Jul. 2020, pp. 128–138. doi:
To characterize the building blocks of a legacy software system (e.g., structure, dependencies), programmers usually spend a long time navigating its source code. Yet, modern integrated development environments (IDEs) do not provide appropriate means to efficiently achieve complex software comprehension tasks. To deal with this unfulfilled need, we present Hunter, a tool for the visualization of JavaScript applications. Hunter visualizes source code through a set of coordinated views that include a node-link diagram that depicts the dependencies among the components of a system, and a treemap that helps programmers to orientate when navigating its structure.
In this paper, we report on a controlled experiment that evaluates Hunter. We asked 16 participants to solve a set of software comprehension tasks, and assessed their effectiveness in terms of (i) user performance (i.e., completion time, accuracy, and attention), and (ii) user experience (i.e., emotions, usability). We found that when using Hunter programmers required significantly less time to complete various software comprehension tasks and achieved a significantly higher accuracy. We also found that the node-link diagram panel of Hunter gets most of the attention of programmers, whereas the source code panel does so in Visual Studio Code. Moreover, programmers considered that Hunter exhibits a good user experience.BibTeX
H. Lin, M. Jenadeleh, G. Chen, U. Reips, R. Hamzaoui, and D. Saupe, “Subjective Assessment of Global Picture-Wise Just Noticeable Difference,” in
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME). 2020, pp. 1–6. doi:
The picture-wise just noticeable difference (PJND) for a given image and a compression scheme is a statistical quantity giving the smallest distortion that a subject can perceive when the image is compressed with the compression scheme. The PJND is determined with subjective assessment tests for a sample of subjects. We introduce and apply two methods of adjustment where the subject interactively selects the distortion level at the PJND using either a slider or keystrokes. We compare the results and times required to those of the adaptive binary search type approach, in which image pairs with distortions that bracket the PJND are displayed and the difference in distortion levels is reduced until the PJND is identified. For the three methods, two images are compared using the flicker test in which the displayed images alternate at a frequency of 8 Hz. Unlike previous work, our goal is a global one, determining the PJND not only for the original pristine image but also for a sequence of compressed versions. Results for the MCL-JCI dataset show that the PJND measurements based on adjustment are comparable with those of the traditional approach using binary search, yet significantly faster. Moreover, we conducted a crowdsourcing study with side-byside comparisons and forced choice, which suggests that the flicker test is more sensitive than a side-by-side comparison.BibTeX
O. Wiedemann, V. Hosu, H. Lin, and D. Saupe, “Foveated Video Coding for Real-Time Streaming Applications,” in
2020 Twelfth International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX), in 2020 Twelfth International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX). 2020, pp. 1–6. doi:
Video streaming under real-time constraints is an increasingly widespread application. Many recent video encoders are unsuitable for this scenario due to theoretical limitations or run time requirements. In this paper, we present a framework for the perceptual evaluation of foveated video coding schemes. Foveation describes the process of adapting a visual stimulus according to the acuity of the human eye. In contrast to traditional region-of-interest coding, where certain areas are statically encoded at a higher quality, we utilize feedback from an eye-tracker to spatially steer the bit allocation scheme in real-time. We evaluate the performance of an H.264 based foveated coding scheme in a lab environment by comparing the bitrates at the point of just noticeable distortion (JND). Furthermore, we identify perceptually optimal codec parameterizations. In our trials, we achieve an average bitrate savings of 63.24% at the JND in comparison to the unfoveated baseline.BibTeX
S. Cornelsen
et al., “Drawing Shortest Paths in Geodetic Graphs,” in
Graph Drawing and Network Visualization, D. Auber and P. Valtr, Eds., in Graph Drawing and Network Visualization. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020, pp. 333--340. doi:
Motivated by the fact that in a space where shortest paths are unique, no two shortest paths meet twice, we study a question posed by Greg Bodwin: Given a geodetic graph G, i.e., an unweighted graph in which the shortest path between any pair of vertices is unique, is there a philogeodetic drawing of G, i.e., a drawing of G in which the curves of any two shortest paths meet at most once? We answer this question in the negative by showing the existence of geodetic graphs that require some pair of shortest paths to cross at least four times. The bound on the number of crossings is tight for the class of graphs we construct. Furthermore, we exhibit geodetic graphs of diameter two that do not admit a philogeodetic drawing.BibTeX
L. Zhou, M. Rivinius, C. R. Johnson, and D. Weiskopf, “Photographic High-Dynamic-Range Scalar Visualization,”
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, vol. 26, no. 6, Art. no. 6, 2020, doi:
We propose a photographic method to show scalar values of high dynamic range (HDR) by color mapping for 2D visualization. We combine (1) tone-mapping operators that transform the data to the display range of the monitor while preserving perceptually important features, based on a systematic evaluation, and (2) simulated glares that highlight high-value regions. Simulated glares are effective for highlighting small areas (of a few pixels) that may not be visible with conventional visualizations; through a controlled perception study, we confirm that glare is preattentive. The usefulness of our overall photographic HDR visualization is validated through the feedback of expert users.BibTeX
A. Streichert, K. Angerbauer, M. Schwarzl, and M. Sedlmair, “Comparing Input Modalities for Shape Drawing Tasks,” in
Proceedings of the Symposium on Eye Tracking Research & Applications-Short Papers (ETRA-SP), in Proceedings of the Symposium on Eye Tracking Research & Applications-Short Papers (ETRA-SP). ACM, 2020, pp. 1–5. doi:
With the growing interest in Immersive Analytics, there is also a need for novel and suitable input modalities for such applications. We explore eye tracking, head tracking, hand motion tracking, and data gloves as input methods for a 2D tracing task and compare them to touch input as a baseline in an exploratory user study (N=20). We compare these methods in terms of user experience, workload, accuracy, and time required for input. The results show that the input method has a significant influence on these measured variables. While touch input surpasses all other input methods in terms of user experience, workload, and accuracy, eye tracking shows promise in respect of the input time. The results form a starting point for future research investigating input methods.BibTeX
Cross-device interaction with tablets is a popular topic in HCI research. Recent work has shown the benefits of including multiple devices into users’ workflows while various interaction techniques allow transferring content across devices. However, users are only reluctantly using multiple devices in combination. At the same time, research on cross-device interaction struggles to find a frame of reference to compare techniques or systems. In this paper, we try to address these challenges by studying the interplay of interaction techniques, device utilization, and task-specific activities in a user study with 24 participants from different but complementary angles of evaluation using an abstract task, a sensemaking task, and three interaction techniques. We found that different interaction techniques have a lower influence than expected, that work behaviors and device utilization depend on the task at hand, and that participants value specific aspects of cross-device interaction.BibTeX
R. Garcia and D. Weiskopf, “Inner-Process Visualization of Hidden States in Recurrent Neural Networks,” in
Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Visual Information Communication and Interaction, in Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Visual Information Communication and Interaction. Eindhoven, Netherlands: ACM, 2020, pp. 20:1-20:5. doi:
In this paper, we introduce a visualization technique aimed to help machine learning experts to analyze the hidden states of layers in recurrent neural networks (RNNs). Our technique allows the user to visually inspect how hidden states store and process information throughout the feeding of an input sequence into the network. It can answer questions such as which parts of the input data had a higher impact on the prediction and how the model correlates each hidden state configuration with a certain output. Our visualization comprises several components: our input visualization shows the input sequence and how it relates to the output (using color coding); hidden states are visualized by nonlinear projection to 2-D visualization space via t-SNE in order to understand the shape of the space of hidden states; time curves are employed to show the details of the evolution of hidden state configurations; and a time-multi-class heatmap matrix visualizes the evolution of expected predictions for multi-class classifiers. To demonstrate the capability of our approach, we discuss two typical use cases for long short-term memory (LSTM) models applied to two widely used natural language processing (NLP) datasets.BibTeX
T. Guha
et al., “ATQAM/MAST’20: Joint Workshop on Aesthetic and Technical Quality Assessment of Multimedia and Media Analytics for Societal Trends,” in
Proceedings of the 28th ACM International Conference on Multimedia, in Proceedings of the 28th ACM International Conference on Multimedia. Seattle, WA, USA: Association for Computing Machinery, 2020, pp. 4758–4760. doi:
The Joint Workshop on Aesthetic and Technical Quality Assessment of Multimedia and Media Analytics for Societal Trends (ATQAM/ MAST) aims to bring together researchers and professionals working in fields ranging from computer vision, multimedia computing, multimodal signal processing to psychology and social sciences. It is divided into two tracks: ATQAM and MAST. ATQAM track: Visual quality assessment techniques can be divided into image and video technical quality assessment (IQA and VQA, or broadly TQA) and aesthetics quality assessment (AQA). While TQA is a long-standing field, having its roots in media compression, AQA is relatively young. Both have received increased attention with developments in deep learning. The topics have mostly been studied separately, even though they deal with similar aspects of the underlying subjective experience of media. The aim is to bring together individuals in the two fields of TQA and AQA for the sharing of ideas and discussions on current trends, developments, issues, and future directions. MAST track: The research area of media content analytics has been traditionally used to refer to applications involving inference of higher-level semantics from multimedia content. However, multimedia is typically created for human consumption, and we believe it is necessary to adopt a human-centered approach to this analysis, which would not only enable a better understanding of how viewers engage with content but also how they impact each other in the process.BibTeX
A. Kumar, D. Mohanty, K. Kurzhals, F. Beck, D. Weiskopf, and K. Mueller, “Demo of the EyeSAC System for Visual Synchronization, Cleaning, and Annotation of Eye Movement Data,” in
ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications, in ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications. Stuttgart, Germany: Association for Computing Machinery, 2020. doi:
Eye movement data analysis plays an important role in examining human cognitive processes and perceptions. Such analysis at times needs data recording from additional sources too during experiments. In this paper, we study a pair programming based collaboration using two eye trackers, stimulus recording, and an external camera recording. To analyze the collected data, we introduce the EyeSAC system that synchronizes the data from different sources and that removes the noisy and missing gazes from eye tracking data with the help of visual feedback from the external recording. The synchronized and cleaned data is further annotated using our system and then exported for further analysis.BibTeX
B. Roziere
et al., “Evolutionary Super-Resolution,” in
Proceedings of the 2020 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion, in Proceedings of the 2020 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion. Cancún, Mexico: Association for Computing Machinery, 2020, pp. 151–152. doi:
Super-resolution increases the resolution of an image. Using evolutionary optimization, we optimize the noise injection of a super-resolution method for improving the results. More generally, our approach can be used to optimize any method based on noise injection.BibTeX
D. Schubring, M. Kraus, C. Stolz, N. Weiler, D. A. Keim, and H. Schupp, “Virtual Reality Potentiates Emotion and Task Effects of Alpha/Beta Brain Oscillations,”
Brain Sciences, vol. 10, no. 8, Art. no. 8, 2020, doi:
The progress of technology has increased research on neuropsychological emotion and attention with virtual reality (VR). However, direct comparisons between conventional two-dimensional (2D) and VR stimulations are lacking. Thus, the present study compared electroencephalography (EEG) correlates of explicit task and implicit emotional attention between 2D and VR stimulation. Participants (n = 16) viewed angry and neutral faces with equal size and distance in both 2D and VR, while they were asked to count one of the two facial expressions. For the main effects of emotion (angry vs. neutral) and task (target vs. nontarget), established event related potentials (ERP), namely the late positive potential (LPP) and the target P300, were replicated. VR stimulation compared to 2D led to overall bigger ERPs but did not interact with emotion or task effects. In the frequency domain, alpha/beta-activity was larger in VR compared to 2D stimulation already in the baseline period. Of note, while alpha/beta event related desynchronization (ERD) for emotion and task conditions were seen in both VR and 2D stimulation, these effects were significantly stronger in VR than in 2D. These results suggest that enhanced immersion with the stimulus materials enabled by VR technology can potentiate induced brain oscillation effects to implicit emotion and explicit task effects.BibTeX
N. Brich
et al., “Visual Analysis of Multivariate Intensive Care Surveillance Data,” in
Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine, B. Kozlíková, M. Krone, N. Smit, K. Nieselt, and R. G. Raidou, Eds., in Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine. The Eurographics Association, 2020. doi:
We present an approach for visual analysis of high-dimensional measurement data with varying sampling rates in the context of an experimental post-surgery study performed on a porcine surrogate model. The study aimed at identifying parameters suitable for diagnosing and prognosticating the volume state-a crucial and difficult task in intensive care medicine. In intensive care, most assessments not only depend on a single measurement but a plethora of mixed measurements over time. Even for trained experts, efficient and accurate analysis of such multivariate time-dependent data remains a challenging task. We present a linked-view post hoc visual analysis application that reduces data complexity by combining projection-based time curves for overview with small multiples for details on demand. Our approach supports not only the analysis of individual patients but also the analysis of ensembles by adapting existing techniques using non-parametric statistics. We evaluated the effectiveness and acceptance of our application through expert feedback with domain scientists from the surgical department using real-world data: the results show that our approach allows for detailed analysis of changes in patient state while also summarizing the temporal development of the overall condition. Furthermore, the medical experts believe that our method can be transferred from medical research to the clinical context, for example, to identify the early onset of a sepsis.BibTeX
C. Schätzle and M. Butt, “Visual Analytics for Historical Linguistics: Opportunities and Challenges,”
Journal of Data Mining and Digital Humanities, 2020, doi:
In this paper we present a case study in which Visual Analytic methods for interactive data exploration are applied to the study of historical linguistics. We discuss why diachronic linguistic data poses special challenges for Visual Analytics and show how these are handled in a collaboratively developed web-based tool: HistoBankVis. HistoBankVis allows an immediate and efficient interaction with underlying diachronic data and we go through an investigation of the interplay between case marking and word order in Icelandic and Old Saxon to illustrate its features. We then discuss challenges posed by the lack of annotation standardization across different corpora as well as the problems we encountered with respect to errors, uncertainty and issues of data provenance. Overall we conclude that the integration of Visual Analytics methodology into the study of language change has an immense potential but that the full realization of its potential will depend on whether issues of data interoperability and annotation standards can be resolved.BibTeX
N. Chotisarn
et al., “A Systematic Literature Review of Modern Software Visualization,”
Journal of Visualization, vol. 23, no. 4, Art. no. 4, 2020, doi:
We report on the state-of-the-art of software visualization.To ensure reproducibility, we adopted the Systematic Literature Review methodology. That is, we analyzed 1440 entries from IEEE Xplore and ACM Digital Library databases. We selected 105 relevant full papers published in 2013–2019, which we classified based on the aspect of the software system that is supported (i.e., structure, behavior, and evolution). For each paper, we extracted main dimensions that characterize software visualizations, such as software engineering tasks, roles of users, information visualization techniques, and media used to display visualizations. We provide researchers in the field an overview of the state-of-the-art in software visualization and highlight research opportunities. We also help developers to identify suitable visualizations for their particular context by matching software visualizations to development concerns and concrete details to obtain available visualization tools.BibTeX
H. Lin
et al., “SUR-FeatNet: Predicting the Satisfied User Ratio Curvefor Image Compression with Deep Feature Learning,”
Quality and User Experience, vol. 5, no. 1, Art. no. 1, 2020, doi:
The satisfied user ratio (SUR) curve for a lossy image compression scheme, e.g., JPEG, characterizes the complementary cumulative distribution function of the just noticeable difference (JND), the smallest distortion level that can be perceived by a subject when a reference image is compared to a distorted one. A sequence of JNDs can be defined with a suitable successive choice of reference images. We propose the first deep learning approach to predict SUR curves. We show how to apply maximum likelihood estimation and the Anderson-Darling test to select a suitable parametric model for the distribution function. We then use deep feature learning to predict samples of the SUR curve and apply the method of least squares to fit the parametric model to the predicted samples. Our deep learning approach relies on a siamese convolutional neural network, transfer learning, and deep feature learning, using pairs consisting of a reference image and a compressed image for training. Experiments on the MCL-JCI dataset showed state-of-the-art performance. For example, the mean Bhattacharyya distances between the predicted and ground truth first, second, and third JND distributions were 0.0810, 0.0702, and 0.0522, respectively, and the corresponding average absolute differences of the peak signal-to-noise ratio at a median of the first JND distribution were 0.58, 0.69, and 0.58 dB. Further experiments on the JND-Pano dataset showed that the method transfers well to high resolution panoramic images viewed on head-mounted displays.BibTeX
M. Kraus
et al., “Assessing 2D and 3D Heatmaps for Comparative Analysis: An Empirical Study,” in
Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, in Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 2020, pp. 546:1–546:14. doi:
Heatmaps are a popular visualization technique that encode 2D density distributions using color or brightness. Experimental studies have shown though that both of these visual variables are inaccurate when reading and comparing numeric data values. A potential remedy might be to use 3D heatmaps by introducing height as a third dimension to encode the data. Encoding abstract data in 3D, however, poses many problems, too. To better understand this tradeoff, we conducted an empirical study (N=48) to evaluate the user performance of 2D and 3D heatmaps for comparative analysis tasks. We test our conditions on a conventional 2D screen, but also in a virtual reality environment to allow for real stereoscopic vision. Our main results show that 3D heatmaps are superior in terms of error rate when reading and comparing single data items. However, for overview tasks, the well-established 2D heatmap performs better.BibTeX
S. Öney
et al., “Evaluation of Gaze Depth Estimation from Eye Tracking in Augmented Reality,” in
Proceedings of the Symposium on Eye Tracking Research & Applications-Short Paper (ETRA-SP), in Proceedings of the Symposium on Eye Tracking Research & Applications-Short Paper (ETRA-SP). ACM, 2020, pp. 49:1-49:5. doi:
Gaze tracking in 3D has the potential to improve interaction with objects and visualizations in augmented reality. However, previous research showed that subjective perception of distance varies between real and virtual surroundings. We wanted to determine whether objectively measured 3D gaze depth through eye tracking also exhibits differences between entirely real and augmented environments. To this end, we conducted an experiment (N = 25) in which we used Microsoft HoloLens with a binocular eye tracking add-on from Pupil Labs. Participants performed a task that required them to look at stationary real and virtual objects while wearing a HoloLens device. We were not able to find significant differences in the gaze depth measured by eye tracking. Finally, we discuss our findings and their implications for gaze interaction in immersive analytics, and the quality of the collected gaze data.BibTeX
M. Blumenschein, L. J. Debbeler, N. C. Lages, B. Renner, D. A. Keim, and M. El-Assady, “v-plots: Designing Hybrid Charts for the Comparative Analysis of Data Distributions,”
Computer Graphics Forum, vol. 39, no. 3, Art. no. 3, 2020, doi:
Comparing data distributions is a core focus in descriptive statistics, and part of most data analysis processes across disciplines. In particular, comparing distributions entails numerous tasks, ranging from identifying global distribution properties, comparing aggregated statistics (e.g., mean values), to the local inspection of single cases. While various specialized visualizations have been proposed (e.g., box plots, histograms, or violin plots), they are not usually designed to support more than a few tasks, unless they are combined. In this paper, we present the v-plot designer; a technique for authoring custom hybrid charts, combining mirrored bar charts, difference encodings, and violin-style plots. v-plots are customizable and enable the simultaneous comparison of data distributions on global, local, and aggregation levels. Our system design is grounded in an expert survey that compares and evaluates 20 common visualization techniques to derive guidelines for the task-driven selection of appropriate visualizations. This knowledge externalization step allowed us to develop a guiding wizard that can tailor v-plots to individual tasks and particular distribution properties. Finally, we confirm the usefulness of our system design and the user-guiding process by measuring the fitness for purpose and applicability in a second study with four domain and statistic experts.BibTeX
M. Borowski, J. Zagermann, C. N. Klokmose, H. Reiterer, and R. Rädle, “Exploring the Benefits and Barriers of Using Computational Notebooks for Collaborative Programming Assignments,” in
Proceedings of the ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE), in Proceedings of the ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE). 2020, pp. 468–474. doi:
Programming assignments in computer science courses are often processed in pairs or groups of students. While working together, students face several shortcomings in today's software: The lack of real-time collaboration capabilities, the setup time of the development environment, and the use of different devices or operating systems can hamper students when working together on assignments. Text processing platforms like Google Docs solve these problems for the writing process of prose text, and computational notebooks like Google Colaboratory for data analysis tasks. However, none of these platforms allows users to implement interactive applications. We deployed a web-based literate programming system for three months during an introductory course on application development to explore how collaborative programming practices unfold and how the structure of computational notebooks affect the development. During the course, pairs of students solved weekly programming assignments. We analyzed data from weekly questionnaires, three focus groups with students and teaching assistants, and keystroke-level log data to facilitate the understanding of the subtleties of collaborative programming with computational notebooks. Findings reveal that there are distinct collaboration patterns; the preferred collaboration pattern varied between pairs and even varied within pairs over the course of three months. Recognizing these distinct collaboration patterns can help to design future computational notebooks for collaborative programming assignments.BibTeX
T. Kosch, A. Schmidt, S. Thanheiser, and L. L. Chuang, “One Does Not Simply RSVP: Mental Workload to Select Speed Reading Parameters Using Electroencephalography,” in
Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, in Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. ACM, 2020, pp. 637:1-637:13. doi:
Rapid Serial Visual Presentation (RSVP) has gained popular-ity as a method for presenting text on wearable devices with limited screen space. Nonetheless, it remains unclear how to calibrate RSVP display parameters, such as spatial alignments or presentation rates, to suit the reader’s information process-ing ability at high presentation speeds. Existing methods rely on comprehension and subjective workload scores, which are influenced by the user’s knowledge base and subjective percep-tion. Here, we use electroencephalography (EEG) to directly determine how individual information processing varies with changes in RSVP display parameters. Eighteen participants read text excerpts with RSVP in a repeated-measures design that manipulated the Text Alignment and Presentation Speed of text representation. We evaluated how predictive EEG metrics were of gains in reading speed, subjective workload, and text comprehension. We found significant correlations between EEG and increasing Presentation Speeds and propose how EEG can be used for dynamic selection of RSVP parameters.BibTeX
O. Wiedemann and D. Saupe, “Gaze Data for Quality Assessment of Foveated Video,” in
ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications, in ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications. Stuttgart, Germany: Association for Computing Machinery, 2020. doi:
This paper presents current methodologies and challenges in the context of subjective quality assessment with a focus on adaptively encoded video streams.BibTeX
A. Kumar, P. Howlader, R. Garcia, D. Weiskopf, and K. Mueller, “Challenges in Interpretability of Neural Networks for Eye Movement Data,” in
ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications, in ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications. Stuttgart, Germany: Association for Computing Machinery, 2020. doi:
Many applications in eye tracking have been increasingly employing neural networks to solve machine learning tasks. In general, neural networks have achieved impressive results in many problems over the past few years, but they still suffer from the lack of interpretability due to their black-box behavior. While previous research on explainable AI has been able to provide high levels of interpretability for models in image classification and natural language processing tasks, little effort has been put into interpreting and understanding networks trained with eye movement datasets. This paper discusses the importance of developing interpretability methods specifically for these models. We characterize the main problems for interpreting neural networks with this type of data, how they differ from the problems faced in other domains, and why existing techniques are not sufficient to address all of these issues. We present preliminary experiments showing the limitations that current techniques have and how we can improve upon them. Finally, based on the evaluation of our experiments, we suggest future research directions that might lead to more interpretable and explainable neural networks for eye tracking.BibTeX
D. Weiskopf, “Vis4Vis: Visualization for (Empirical) Visualization Research,” in
Foundations of Data Visualization, M. Chen, H. Hauser, P. Rheingans, and G. Scheuermann, Eds., in Foundations of Data Visualization. , Springer International Publishing, 2020, pp. 209--224. doi:
Appropriate evaluation is a key component in visualization research. It is typically based on empirical studies that assess visualization components or complete systems. While such studies often include the user of the visualization, empirical research is not necessarily restricted to user studies but may also address the technical performance of a visualization system such as its computational speed or memory consumption. Any such empirical experiment faces the issue that the underlying visualization is becoming increasingly sophisticated, leading to an increasingly difficult evaluation in complex environments. Therefore, many of the established methods of empirical studies can no longer capture the full complexity of the evaluation. One promising solution is the use of data-rich observations that we can acquire during studies to obtain more reliable interpretations of empirical research. For example, we have been witnessing an increasing availability and use of physiological sensor information from eye tracking, electrodermal activity sensors, electroencephalography, etc. Other examples are various kinds of logs of user activities such as mouse, keyboard, or touch interaction. Such data-rich empirical studies promise to be especially useful for studies in the wild and similar scenarios outside of the controlled laboratory environment. However, with the growing availability of large, complex, time-dependent, heterogeneous, and unstructured observational data, we are facing the new challenge of how we can analyze such data. This challenge can be addressed by establishing the subfield of visualization for visualization (Vis4Vis): visualization as a means of analyzing and communicating data from empirical studies to advance visualization research.BibTeX
X. Zhao, H. Lin, P. Guo, D. Saupe, and H. Liu, “Deep Learning VS. Traditional Algorithms for Saliency Prediction of Distorted Images,” in
2020 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), in 2020 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP). 2020, pp. 156–160. doi:
Saliency has been widely studied in relation to image quality assessment (IQA). The optimal use of saliency in IQA metrics, however, is nontrivial and largely depends on whether saliency can be accurately predicted for images containing various distortions. Although tremendous progress has been made in saliency modelling, very little is known about whether and to what extent state-of-the-art methods are beneficial for saliency prediction of distorted images. In this paper, we analyse the ability of deep learning versus traditional algorithms in predicting saliency, based on an IQA-aware saliency benchmark, the SIQ288 database. Building off the variations in model performance, we make recommendations for model selections for IQA applications.BibTeX
L. Merino, M. Schwarzl, M. Kraus, M. Sedlmair, D. Schmalstieg, and D. Weiskopf, “Evaluating Mixed and Augmented Reality: A Systematic Literature Review (2009 -- 2019),” in
IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), in IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR). 2020. doi:
doi: 10.1109/ISMAR50242.2020.00069.Abstract
We present a systematic review of 45S papers that report on evaluations in mixed and augmented reality (MR/AR) published in ISMAR, CHI, IEEE VR, and UIST over a span of 11 years (2009-2019). Our goal is to provide guidance for future evaluations of MR/AR approaches. To this end, we characterize publications by paper type (e.g., technique, design study), research topic (e.g., tracking, rendering), evaluation scenario (e.g., algorithm performance, user performance), cognitive aspects (e.g., perception, emotion), and the context in which evaluations were conducted (e.g., lab vs. in-thewild). We found a strong coupling of types, topics, and scenarios. We observe two groups: (a) technology-centric performance evaluations of algorithms that focus on improving tracking, displays, reconstruction, rendering, and calibration, and (b) human-centric studies that analyze implications of applications and design, human factors on perception, usability, decision making, emotion, and attention. Amongst the 458 papers, we identified 248 user studies that involved 5,761 participants in total, of whom only 1,619 were identified as female. We identified 43 data collection methods used to analyze 10 cognitive aspects. We found nine objective methods, and eight methods that support qualitative analysis. A majority (216/248) of user studies are conducted in a laboratory setting. Often (138/248), such studies involve participants in a static way. However, we also found a fair number (30/248) of in-the-wild studies that involve participants in a mobile fashion. We consider this paper to be relevant to academia and industry alike in presenting the state-of-the-art and guiding the steps to designing, conducting, and analyzing results of evaluations in MR/AR.BibTeX
M. Jenadeleh, M. Pedersen, and D. Saupe, “Blind Quality Assessment of Iris Images Acquired in Visible Light for Biometric Recognition,”
Sensors, vol. 20, no. 5, Art. no. 5, 2020, doi:
Image quality is a key issue affecting the performance of biometric systems. Ensuring the quality of iris images acquired in unconstrained imaging conditions in visible light poses many challenges to iris recognition systems. Poor-quality iris images increase the false rejection rate and decrease the performance of the systems by quality filtering. Methods that can accurately predict iris image quality can improve the efficiency of quality-control protocols in iris recognition systems. We propose a fast blind/no-reference metric for predicting iris image quality. The proposed metric is based on statistical features of the sign and the magnitude of local image intensities. The experiments, conducted with a reference iris recognition system and three datasets of iris images acquired in visible light, showed that the quality of iris images strongly affects the recognition performance and is highly correlated with the iris matching scores. Rejecting poor-quality iris images improved the performance of the iris recognition system. In addition, we analyzed the effect of iris image quality on the accuracy of the iris segmentation module in the iris recognition system.BibTeX
P. Angelini, S. Chaplick, S. Cornelsen, and G. Da Lozzo, “Planar L-Drawings of Bimodal Graphs,” in
Graph Drawing and Network Visualization, D. Auber and P. Valtr, Eds., in Graph Drawing and Network Visualization. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020, pp. 205–219. doi:
In a planar L-drawing of a directed graph (digraph) each edge e is represented as a polyline composed of a vertical segment starting at the tail of e and a horizontal segment ending at the head of e. Distinct edges may overlap, but not cross. Our main focus is on bimodal graphs, i.e., digraphs admitting a planar embedding in which the incoming and outgoing edges around each vertex are contiguous. We show that every plane bimodal graph without 2-cycles admits a planar L-drawing. This includes the class of upward-plane graphs. Finally, outerplanar digraphs admit a planar L-drawing -- although they do not always have a bimodal embedding -- but not necessarily with an outerplanar embedding.BibTeX
P. Balestrucci
et al., “Pipelines Bent, Pipelines Broken: Interdisciplinary Self-Reflection on the Impact of COVID-19 on Current and Future Research (Position Paper),” in
2020 IEEE Workshop on Evaluation and Beyond-Methodological Approaches to Visualization (BELIV), in 2020 IEEE Workshop on Evaluation and Beyond-Methodological Approaches to Visualization (BELIV). IEEE, 2020, pp. 11--18. doi:
Among the many changes brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, one of the most pressing for scientific research concerns user testing. For the researchers who conduct studies with human participants, the requirements for social distancing have created a need for reflecting on methodologies that previously seemed relatively straightforward. It has become clear from the emerging literature on the topic and from first-hand experiences of researchers that the restrictions due to the pandemic affect every aspect of the research pipeline. The current paper offers an initial reflection on user-based research, drawing on the authors' own experiences and on the results of a survey that was conducted among researchers in different disciplines, primarily psychology, human-computer interaction (HCI), and visualization communities. While this sampling of researchers is by no means comprehensive, the multi-disciplinary approach and the consideration of different aspects of the research pipeline allow us to examine current and future challenges for user-based research. Through an exploration of these issues, this paper also invites others in the VIS-as well as in the wider-research community, to reflect on and discuss the ways in which the current crisis might also present new and previously unexplored opportunities.BibTeX
T. Stankov and S. Storandt, “Maximum Gap Minimization in Polylines,” in
Web and Wireless Geographical Information Systems - 18th International Symposium, W2GIS 2020, Wuhan, China, November 13-14, 2020, Proceedings, in Web and Wireless Geographical Information Systems - 18th International Symposium, W2GIS 2020, Wuhan, China, November 13-14, 2020, Proceedings. 2020, pp. 181--196. doi:
Given a polyline consisting of n segments, we study the problem of selecting k of its segments such that the maximum induced gap length without a selected segment is minimized. This optimization problem has applications in the domains of trajectory visualization and facility location. We design several heuristics and exact algorithms for simple polylines, along with algorithm engineering techniques to achieve good practical running times even for large values of n and k. The fastest exact algorithm is based on dynamic programming and exhibits a running time of O(nk) while using space linear in n. Furthermore, we consider incremental problem variants. For the case where a given set of k segments shall be augmented by a single additional segment, we devise an optimal algorithm which runs in O(k + log n) on a suitable polyline representation. If not only a single segment but k' segments shall be added, we can compute the optimal segment set in time O(nk') by modifying the dynamic programming approach for the original problem. Experiments on large sets of real-world trajectories as well as artificial polylines show the trade-offs between quality and running time of the different approaches.BibTeX
F. Heyen
et al., “ClaVis: An Interactive Visual Comparison System for Classifiers,” in
Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces, in Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces. ACM, 2020, pp. 9:1-9:9. doi:
We propose ClaVis, a visual analytics system for comparative analysis of classification models. ClaVis allows users to visually compare the performance and behavior of tens to hundreds of classifiers trained with different hyperparameter configurations. Our approach is plugin-based and classifier-agnostic and allows users to add their own datasets and classifier implementations. It provides multiple visualizations, including a multivariate ranking, a similarity map, a scatterplot that reveals correlations between parameters and scores, and a training history chart. We demonstrate the effectivity of our approach in multiple case studies for training classification models in the domain of natural language processing.BibTeX
V. Hosu, H. Lin, T. Sziranyi, and D. Saupe, “KonIQ-10k : An Ecologically Valid Database for Deep Learning of Blind Image Quality Assessment,”
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 29, pp. 4041--4056, 2020, doi:
Deep learning methods for image quality assessment (IQA) are limited due to the small size of existing datasets. Extensive datasets require substantial resources both for generating publishable content and annotating it accurately. We present a systematic and scalable approach to creating KonIQ-10k, the largest IQA dataset to date, consisting of 10,073 quality scored images. It is the first in-the-wild database aiming for ecological validity, concerning the authenticity of distortions, the diversity of content, and quality-related indicators. Through the use of crowdsourcing, we obtained 1.2 million reliable quality ratings from 1,459 crowd workers, paving the way for more general IQA models. We propose a novel, deep learning model (KonCept512), to show an excellent generalization beyond the test set (0.921 SROCC), to the current state-of-the-art database LIVE-in-the-Wild (0.825 SROCC). The model derives its core performance from the InceptionResNet architecture, being trained at a higher resolution than previous models (512 × 384 ). Correlation analysis shows that KonCept512 performs similar to having 9 subjective scores for each test image.BibTeX
D. R. Wahl
et al., “Why We Eat What We Eat: Assessing Dispositional and In-the-Moment Eating Motives by Using Ecological Momentary Assessment,”
JMIR mHealth and uHealth., vol. 8, no. 1, Art. no. 1, 2020, doi:
Background: Why do we eat? Our motives for eating are diverse, ranging from hunger and liking to social norms and affect regulation. Although eating motives can vary from eating event to eating event, which implies substantial moment-to-moment differences, current ways of measuring eating motives rely on single timepoint questionnaires that assess eating motives as situation-stable dispositions (traits). However, mobile technologies including smartphones allow eating events and motives to be captured in real time and real life, thus capturing experienced eating motives in-the-moment (states).
Objective: This study aimed to examine differences between why people think they eat (trait motives) and why they eat in the moment of consumption (state motives) by comparing a dispositional (trait) and an in-the-moment (state) assessment of eating motives.
Methods: A total of 15 basic eating motives included in The Eating Motivation Survey (ie, liking, habit, need and hunger, health, convenience, pleasure, traditional eating, natural concerns, sociability, price, visual appeal, weight control, affect regulation, social norms, and social image) were assessed in 35 participants using 2 methodological approaches: (1) a single timepoint dispositional assessment and (2) a smartphone-based ecological momentary assessment (EMA) across 8 days (N=888 meals) capturing eating motives in the moment of eating. Similarities between dispositional and in-the-moment eating motive profiles were assessed according to 4 different indices of profile similarity, that is, overall fit, shape, scatter, and elevation. Moreover, a visualized person × motive data matrix was created to visualize and analyze between- and within-person differences in trait and state eating motives.
Results: Similarity analyses yielded a good overall fit between the trait and state eating motive profiles across participants, indicated by a double-entry intraclass correlation of 0.52 (P<.001). However, although trait and state motives revealed a comparable rank order (r=0.65; P<.001), trait motives overestimated 12 of 15 state motives (P<.001; d=1.97). Specifically, the participants assumed that 6 motives (need and hunger, price, habit, sociability, traditional eating, and natural concerns) are more essential for eating than they actually were in the moment (d>0.8). Furthermore, the visualized person × motive data matrix revealed substantial interindividual differences in intraindividual motive profiles.
Conclusions: For a comprehensive understanding of why we eat what we eat, dispositional assessments need to be extended by in-the-moment assessments of eating motives. Smartphone-based EMAs reveal considerable intra- and interindividual differences in eating motives, which are not captured by single timepoint dispositional assessments. Targeting these differences between why people think they eat what they eat and why they actually eat in the moment may hold great promise for tailored mobile health interventions facilitating behavior changes.BibTeX
M. Blumenschein, X. Zhang, D. Pomerenke, D. A. Keim, and J. Fuchs, “Evaluating Reordering Strategies for Cluster Identification in Parallel Coordinates,”
Computer Graphics Forum, vol. 39, no. 3, Art. no. 3, 2020, doi:
The ability to perceive patterns in parallel coordinates plots (PCPs) is heavily influenced by the ordering of the dimensions. While the community has proposed over 30 automatic ordering strategies, we still lack empirical guidance for choosing an appropriate strategy for a given task. In this paper, we first propose a classification of tasks and patterns and analyze which PCP reordering strategies help in detecting them. Based on our classification, we then conduct an empirical user study with 31 participants to evaluate reordering strategies for cluster identification tasks. We particularly measure time, identification quality, and the users' confidence for two different strategies using both synthetic and real-world datasets. Our results show that, somewhat unexpectedly, participants tend to focus on dissimilar rather than similar dimension pairs when detecting clusters, and are more confident in their answers. This is especially true when increasing the amount of clutter in the data. As a result of these findings, we propose a new reordering strategy based on the dissimilarity of neighboring dimension pairs.BibTeX
F. Draxler, A. Labrie, A. Schmidt, and L. L. Chuang, “Augmented Reality to Enable Users in Learning Case Grammar from Their Real-World Interactions,” in
Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, in Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. ACM, 2020, pp. 410:1-410:12. doi:
Augmented Reality (AR) provides a unique opportunity to situate learning content in one's environment. In this work, we investigated how AR could be developed to provide an interactive context-based language learning experience. Specifically, we developed a novel handheld-AR app for learning case grammar by dynamically creating quizzes, based on real-life objects in the learner's surroundings. We compared this to the experience of learning with a non-contextual app that presented the same quizzes with static photographic images. Participants found AR suitable for use in their everyday lives and enjoyed the interactive experience of exploring grammatical relationships in their surroundings. Nonetheless, Bayesian tests provide substantial evidence that the interactive and context-embedded AR app did not improve case grammar skills, vocabulary retention, and usability over the experience with equivalent static images. Based on this, we propose how language learning apps could be designed to combine the benefits of contextual AR and traditional approaches.BibTeX
N. Rodrigues, C. Schulz, A. Lhuillier, and D. Weiskopf, “Cluster-Flow Parallel Coordinates: Tracing Clusters Across Subspaces,” in
Proceedings of Graphics Interface 2020, in Proceedings of Graphics Interface 2020. Canadian Human-Computer Communications Society / Société canadienne du dialogue humain-machine, 2020, pp. 382–392. doi:
We present a novel variant of parallel coordinates plots (PCPs) in which we show clusters in 2D subspaces of multivariate data and emphasize flow between them. We achieve this by duplicating and stacking individual axes vertically. On a high level, our clusterflow layout shows how data points move from one cluster to another in different subspaces. We achieve cluster-based bundling and limit plot growth through the reduction of available vertical space for each duplicated axis. Although we introduce space between clusters, we preserve the readability of intra-cluster correlations by starting and ending with the original slopes from regular PCPs and drawing Hermite spline segments in between. Moreover, our rendering technique enables the visualization of small and large data sets alike. Cluster-flow PCPs can even propagate the uncertainty inherent to fuzzy clustering through the layout and rendering stages of our pipeline. Our layout algorithm is based on A*. It achieves an optimal result with regard to a novel set of cost functions that allow us to arrange axes horizontally (dimension ordering) and vertically (cluster ordering).BibTeX
V. Hosu
et al., “From Technical to Aesthetics Quality Assessment and Beyond: Challenges and Potential,” in
Joint Workshop on Aesthetic and Technical Quality Assessment of Multimedia and Media Analytics for Societal Trends, in Joint Workshop on Aesthetic and Technical Quality Assessment of Multimedia and Media Analytics for Societal Trends. Seattle, WA, USA: Association for Computing Machinery, 2020, pp. 19–20. doi:
Every day 1.8+ billion images are being uploaded to Facebook, Instagram, Flickr, Snapchat, and WhatsApp 6. The exponential growth of visual media has made quality assessment become increasingly important for various applications, from image acquisition, synthesis, restoration, and enhancement, to image search and retrieval, storage, and recognition.There have been two related but different classes of visual quality assessment techniques: image quality assessment (IQA) and image aesthetics assessment (IAA). As perceptual assessment tasks, subjective IQA and IAA share some common underlying factors that affect user judgments. Moreover, they are similar in methodology (especially NR-IQA in-the-wild and IAA). However, the emphasis for each is different: IQA focuses on low-level defects e.g. processing artefacts, noise, and blur, while IAA puts more emphasis on abstract and higher-level concepts that capture the subjective aesthetics experience, e.g. established photographic rules encompassing lighting, composition, and colors, and personalized factors such as personality, cultural background, age, and emotion.IQA has been studied extensively over the last decades 3, 14, 22. There are three main types of IQA methods: full-reference (FR), reduced-reference (RR), and no-reference (NR). Among these, NRIQA is the most challenging as it does not depend on reference images or impose strict assumptions on the distortion types and level. NR-IQA techniques can be further divided into those that predict the global image score 1, 2, 10, 17, 26 and patch-based IQA 23, 25, naming a few of the more recent approaches.BibTeX
N. Patkar, L. Merino, and O. Nierstrasz, “Towards Requirements Engineering with Immersive Augmented Reality,” in
Conference Companion of the 4th International Conference on Art, Science, and Engineering of Programming, in Conference Companion of the 4th International Conference on Art, Science, and Engineering of Programming. Porto, Portugal: ACM, 2020, pp. 55–60. doi:
Often, requirements engineering (RE) activities demand project stakeholders to communicate and collaborate with each other towards building a common software product vision. We conjecture that augmented reality (AR) can be a good fit to support such communication and collaboration. In this vision paper, we report on state-of-the-art research at the intersection of AR and RE. We found that requirements elicitation and analysis have been supported by the ability of AR to provision on-the-fly information such as augmented prototypes. We discuss and map the existing challenges in RE to the aspects of AR that can boost the productivity and user experience of existing RE techniques. Finally, we elaborate on various envisioned usage scenarios in which we highlight concrete benefits and challenges of adopting immersive AR to assist project stakeholders in RE activities.BibTeX
H. Bast, P. Brosi, and S. Storandt, “Metro Maps on Octilinear Grid Graphs,” in
Computer Graphics Forum, in Computer Graphics Forum. Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley-Blackwell - STM, 2020, pp. 357--367. doi:
Schematic transit maps (often called "metro maps" in the literature) are important to produce comprehensible visualizations of complex public transit networks. In this work, we investigate the problem of automatically drawing such maps on an octilinear grid with an arbitrary (but optimal) number of edge bends. Our approach can naturally deal with obstacles that should be respected in the final drawing (points of interest, rivers, coastlines) and can prefer grid edges near the real-world course of a line. This allows our drawings to be combined with existing maps, for example as overlays in map services. We formulate an integer linear program which can be used to solve the problem exactly. We also provide a fast approximation algorithm which greedily calculates shortest paths between node candidates on the underlying octilinear grid graph. Previous work used local search techniques to update node positions until a local optimum was found, but without guaranteeing octilinearity. We can thus calculate nearly optimal metro maps in a fraction of a second even for complex networks, enabling the interactive use of our method in map editors.BibTeX
N. Pathmanathan
et al., “Eye vs. Head: Comparing Gaze Methods for Interaction in Augmented Reality,” in
Proceedings of the Symposium on Eye Tracking Research & Applications (ETRA), in Proceedings of the Symposium on Eye Tracking Research & Applications (ETRA). Stuttgart, Germany: ACM, 2020, pp. 50:1-50:5. doi:
Visualization in virtual 3D environments can provide a natural way for users to explore data. Often, arm and short head movements are required for interaction in augmented reality, which can be tiring and strenuous though. In an effort toward more user-friendly interaction, we developed a prototype that allows users to manipulate virtual objects using a combination of eye gaze and an external clicker device. Using this prototype, we performed a user study comparing four different input methods of which head gaze plus clicker was preferred by most participants.BibTeX
F. Frieß, C. Müller, and T. Ertl, “Real-Time High-Resolution Visualisation,” in
Proceedings of the Eurographics Symposium on Vision, Modeling, and Visualization (VMV), J. Krüger, M. Niessner, and J. Stückler, Eds., in Proceedings of the Eurographics Symposium on Vision, Modeling, and Visualization (VMV). The Eurographics Association, 2020, pp. 127–135. doi:
While visualisation often strives for abstraction, the interactive exploration of large scientific data sets like densely sampled 3Dfields or massive particle data sets still benefits from rendering their graphical representation in large detail on high-resolutiondisplays such as Powerwalls or tiled display walls driven by multiple GPUs or even GPU clusters. Such visualisation systemsare typically rather unique in their setup of hardware and software which makes transferring a visualisation application fromone high-resolution system to another one a complicated task. As more and more such visualisation systems get installed,collaboration becomes desirable in the sense of sharing such a visualisation running on one site in real time with another high-resolution display on a remote site while at the same time communicating via video and audio. Since typical video conferencesolutions or web-based collaboration tools often cannot deal with resolutions exceeding 4K, with stereo displays or with multi-GPU setups, we designed and implemented a new system based on state-of-the-art hardware and software technologies totransmit high-resolution visualisations including video and audio streams via the internet to remote large displays and back.Our system architecture is built on efficient capturing, encoding and transmission of pixel streams and thus supports a multitudeof configurations combining audio and video streams in a generic approacBibTeX
M. Beck and S. Storandt, “Puzzling Grid Embeddings,” in
Proceedings of the Symposium on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments, ALENEX 2020, Salt Lake City, UT, USA, January 5-6, 2020, in Proceedings of the Symposium on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments, ALENEX 2020, Salt Lake City, UT, USA, January 5-6, 2020. 2020, pp. 94--105. doi:
We present a pipeline that, given a weighted graph as an input, produces a planar grid embedding where all edges are represented as axis-aligned straight lines with their Euclidean length matching their edge weight (if such an embedding exists). Being able to compute such embeddings is important for visualization purposes but is additionally helpful to solve certain optimization problems faster, as e.g. the Steiner tree problem. Our embedding pipeline consists of three main steps: In the first step, we identify rigid substructures which we call puzzle pieces. In the second step, we merge puzzle pieces if possible. In the third and last step, we compute the final embedding (or decide that such an embedding does not exist) via backtracking. We describe suitable data structures and engineering techniques for accelerating all steps of the pipeline along the way. Experiments on a large variety of input graphs demonstrate the applicability and scalability of our approach.BibTeX
F. Bishop, J. Zagermann, U. Pfeil, G. Sanderson, H. Reiterer, and U. Hinrichs, “Construct-A-Vis: Exploring the Free-Form Visualization Processes of Children,”
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, vol. 26, no. 1, Art. no. 1, 2020, doi:
Building data analysis skills is part of modern elementary school curricula. Recent research has explored how to facilitate children's understanding of visual data representations through completion exercises which highlight links between concrete and abstract mappings. This approach scaffolds visualization activities by presenting a target visualization to children. But how can we engage children in more free-form visual data mapping exercises that are driven by their own mapping ideas? How can we scaffold a creative exploration of visualization techniques and mapping possibilities? We present Construct-A-Vis, a tablet-based tool designed to explore the feasibility of free-form and constructive visualization activities with elementary school children. Construct-A-Vis provides adjustable levels of scaffolding visual mapping processes. It can be used by children individually or as part of collaborative activities. Findings from a study with elementary school children using Construct-A-Vis individually and in pairs highlight the potential of this free-form constructive approach, as visible in children's diverse visualization outcomes and their critical engagement with the data and mapping processes. Based on our study findings we contribute insights into the design of free-form visualization tools for children, including the role of tool-based scaffolding mechanisms and shared interactions to guide visualization activities with children.BibTeX
J. Bernard, M. Hutter, M. Zeppelzauer, M. Sedlmair, and T. Munzner, “SepEx: Visual Analysis of Class Separation Measures,” in
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Visual Analytics (EuroVA), C. Turkay and K. Vrotsou, Eds., in Proceedings of the International Workshop on Visual Analytics (EuroVA). The Eurographics Association, 2020, pp. 1–5. doi:
Class separation is an important concept in machine learning and visual analytics. However, the comparison of class separation for datasets with varying dimensionality is non-trivial, given a) the various possible structural characteristics of datasets and b) the plethora of separation measures that exist. Building upon recent findings in visualization research about the qualitative and quantitative evaluation of class separation for 2D dimensionally reduced data using scatterplots, this research addresses the visual analysis of class separation measures for high-dimensional data. We present SepEx, an interactive visualization approach for the assessment and comparison of class separation measures for multiple datasets. SepEx supports analysts with the comparison of multiple separation measures over many high-dimensional datasets, the effect of dimensionality reduction on measure outputs by supporting nD to 2D comparison, and the comparison of the effect of different dimensionality reduction methods on measure outputs. We demonstrate SepEx in a scenario on 100 two-class 5D datasets with a linearly increasing amount of separation between the classes, illustrating both similarities and nonlinearities across 11 measures.BibTeX
H. Men, V. Hosu, H. Lin, A. Bruhn, and D. Saupe, “Visual Quality Assessment for Interpolated Slow-Motion Videos Based on a Novel Database,” in
Proceedings of the International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX), in Proceedings of the International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX). 2020, pp. 1–6. doi:
Professional video editing tools can generate slow-motion video by interpolating frames from video recorded at astandard frame rate. Thereby the perceptual quality of such in-terpolated slow-motion videos strongly depends on the underlyinginterpolation techniques. We built a novel benchmark databasethat is specifically tailored for interpolated slow-motion videos(KoSMo-1k). It consists of 1,350 interpolated video sequences,from 30 different content sources, along with their subjectivequality ratings from up to ten subjective comparisons per videopair. Moreover, we evaluated the performance of twelve exist-ing full-reference (FR) image/video quality assessment (I/VQA)methods on the benchmark. In this way, we are able to show thatspecifically tailored quality assessment methods for interpolatedslow-motion videos are needed, since the evaluated methods –despite their good performance on real-time video databases – donot give satisfying results when it comes to frame interpolation.BibTeX
D. Okanovic
et al., “Can a Chatbot Support Software Engineers with Load Testing? Approach and Experiences,” in
Proceedings of the ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering (ICPE), in Proceedings of the ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering (ICPE). 2020, pp. 120–129. doi:
Even though load testing is an established technique to assess load-related quality properties of software systems, it is applied only seldom and with questionable results. Indeed, configuring, executing, and interpreting results of a load test require high effort and expertise. Since chatbots have shown promising results for interactively supporting complex tasks in various domains (including software engineering), we hypothesize that chatbots can provide developers suitable support for load testing. In this paper, we present PerformoBot, our chatbot for configuring and running load tests. In a natural language conversation, PerformoBot guides developers through the process of properly specifying the parameters of a load test, which is then automatically executed by PerformoBot using a state-of-the-art load testing tool. After the execution, PerformoBot provides developers a report that answers the respective concern. We report on results of a user study that involved 47 participants, in which we assessed our tool's acceptance and effectiveness. We found that participants in the study, particularly those with a lower level of expertise in performance engineering, had a mostly positive view of PerformoBot.BibTeX
K. Kurzhals, F. Göbel, K. Angerbauer, M. Sedlmair, and M. Raubal, “A View on the Viewer: Gaze-Adaptive Captions for Videos,” in
Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, in Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 2020, pp. 139:1–139:12. doi:
Subtitles play a crucial role in cross-lingual distribution of multimedia content and help communicate information where auditory content is not feasible (loud environments, hearing impairments, unknown languages). Established methods utilize text at the bottom of the screen, which may distract from the video. Alternative techniques place captions closer to related content (e.g., faces) but are not applicable to arbitrary videos such as documentations. Hence, we propose to leverage live gaze as indirect input method to adapt captions to individual viewing behavior. We implemented two gaze-adaptive methods and compared them in a user study (n=54) to traditional captions and audio-only videos. The results show that viewers with less experience with captions prefer our gaze-adaptive methods as they assist them in reading. Furthermore, gaze distributions resulting from our methods are closer to natural viewing behavior compared to the traditional approach. Based on these results, we provide design implications for gaze-adaptive captions.BibTeX
M. Sondag, W. Meulemans, C. Schulz, K. Verbeek, D. Weiskopf, and B. Speckmann, “Uncertainty Treemaps,” in
Proceedings of the IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis), in Proceedings of the IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis). 2020, pp. 111–120. doi:
Rectangular treemaps visualize hierarchical numerical data by recursively partitioning an input rectangle into smaller rectangles whose areas match the data. Numerical data often has uncertainty associated with it. To visualize uncertainty in a rectangular treemap, we identify two conflicting key requirements: (i) to assess the data value of a node in the hierarchy, the area of its rectangle should directly match its data value, and (ii) to facilitate comparison between data and uncertainty, uncertainty should be encoded using the same visual variable as the data, that is, area. We present Uncertainty Treemaps, which meet both requirements simultaneously by introducing the concept of hierarchical uncertainty masks. First, we define a new cost function that measures the quality of Uncertainty Treemaps. Then, we show how to adapt existing treemapping algorithms to support uncertainty masks. Finally, we demonstrate the usefulness and quality of our technique through an expert review and a computational experiment on real-world datasets.BibTeX
L. Merino
et al., “Toward Agile Situated Visualization: An Exploratory User Study,” in
Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems-Extended Abstracts (CHI-EA), in Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems-Extended Abstracts (CHI-EA). 2020, p. LBW087:1–LBW087:7. doi:
We introduce AVAR, a prototypical implementation of an agile situated visualization (SV) toolkit targeting liveness, integration, and expressiveness. We report on results of an exploratory study with AVAR and seven expert users. In it, participants wore a Microsoft HoloLens device and used a Bluetooth keyboard to program a visualization script for a given dataset. To support our analysis, we (i) video recorded sessions, (ii) tracked users' interactions, and (iii) collected data of participants' impressions. Our prototype confirms that agile SV is feasible. That is, liveness boosted participants' engagement when programming an SV, and so, the sessions were highly interactive and participants were willing to spend much time using our toolkit (i.e., median ≥ 1.5 hours). Participants used our integrated toolkit to deal with data transformations, visual mappings, and view transformations without leaving the immersive environment. Finally, participants benefited from our expressive toolkit and employed multiple of the available features when programming an SV.BibTeX
K. Kurzhals, M. Burch, and D. Weiskopf, “What We See and What We Get from Visualization: Eye Tracking Beyond Gaze Distributions and Scanpaths,”
CoRR, vol. abs/2009.14515, 2020, [Online]. Available:
Technical progress in hardware and software enables us to record gaze data in everyday situations and over long time spans. Among a multitude of research opportunities, this technology enables visualization researchers to catch a glimpse behind performance measures and into the perceptual and cognitive processes of people using visualization techniques. The majority of eye tracking studies performed for visualization research is limited to the analysis of gaze distributions and aggregated statistics, thus only covering a small portion of insights that can be derived from gaze data. We argue that incorporating theories and methodology from psychology and cognitive science will benefit the design and evaluation of eye tracking experiments for visualization. This position paper outlines our experiences with eye tracking in visualization and states the benefits that an interdisciplinary research field on visualization psychology might bring for better understanding how people interpret visualizations.BibTeX
M. Lan Ha, V. Hosu, and V. Blanz, “Color Composition Similarity and Its Application in Fine-grained Similarity,” in
2020 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), in 2020 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV). Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 2020, pp. 2548--2557. doi:
Assessing visual similarity in-the-wild, a core ability of the human visual system, is a challenging problem for computer vision methods because of its subjective nature and limited annotated datasets. We make a stride forward, showing that visual similarity can be better studied by isolating its components. We identify color composition similarity as an important aspect and study its interaction with category-level similarity. Color composition similarity considers the distribution of colors and their layout in images. We create predictive models accounting for the global similarity that is beyond pixel-based and patch-based, or histogram level information. Using an active learning approach, we build a large-scale color composition similarity dataset with subjective ratings via crowd-sourcing, the first of its kind. We train a Siamese network using the dataset to create a color similarity metric and descriptors which outperform existing color descriptors. We also provide a benchmark for global color descriptors for perceptual color similarity. Finally, we combine color similarity and category level features for fine-grained visual similarity. Our proposed model surpasses the state-of-the-art performance while using three orders of magnitude less training data. The results suggest that our proposal to study visual similarity by isolating its components, modeling and combining them is a promising paradigm for further development.BibTeX
L. Merino, M. Lungu, and C. Seidl, “Unleashing the Potentials of Immersive Augmented Reality for Software Engineering,” in
2020 IEEE 27th International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering (SANER), in 2020 IEEE 27th International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering (SANER). 2020, pp. 517–521. doi:
In immersive augmented reality (IAR), users can wear a head-mounted display to see computer-generated images superimposed to their view of the world. IAR was shown to be beneficial across several domains, e.g., automotive, medicine, gaming and engineering, with positive impacts on, e.g., collaboration and communication. We think that IAR bears a great potential for software engineering but, as of yet, this research area has been neglected. In this vision paper, we elicit potentials and obstacles for the use of IAR in software engineering. We identify possible areas that can be supported with IAR technology by relating commonly discussed IAR improvements to typical software engineering tasks. We further demonstrate how innovative use of IAR technology may fundamentally improve typical activities of a software engineer through a comprehensive series of usage scenarios outlining practical application. Finally, we reflect on current limitations of IAR technology based on our scenarios and sketch research activities necessary to make our vision a reality. We consider this paper to be relevant to academia and industry alike in guiding the steps to innovative research and applications for IAR in software engineering.BibTeX
H. Lin, J. D. Deng, D. Albers, and F. W. Siebert, “Helmet Use Detection of Tracked Motorcycles Using CNN-Based Multi-Task Learning,”
IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 162073–162084, 2020, doi:
Automated detection of motorcycle helmet use through video surveillance can facilitate efficient education and enforcement campaigns that increase road safety. However, existing detection approaches have a number of shortcomings, such as the inabilities to track individual motorcycles through multiple frames, or to distinguish drivers from passengers in helmet use. Furthermore, datasets used to develop approaches are limited in terms of traffic environments and traffic density variations. In this paper, we propose a CNN-based multi-task learning (MTL) method for identifying and tracking individual motorcycles, and register rider specific helmet use. We further release the HELMET dataset, which includes 91,000 annotated frames of 10,006 individual motorcycles from 12 observation sites in Myanmar. Along with the dataset, we introduce an evaluation metric for helmet use and rider detection accuracy, which can be used as a benchmark for evaluating future detection approaches. We show that the use of MTL for concurrent visual similarity learning and helmet use classification improves the efficiency of our approach compared to earlier studies, allowing a processing speed of more than 8 FPS on consumer hardware, and a weighted average F-measure of 67.3% for detecting the number of riders and helmet use of tracked motorcycles. Our work demonstrates the capability of deep learning as a highly accurate and resource efficient approach to collect critical road safety related data.BibTeX
H. Men, V. Hosu, H. Lin, A. Bruhn, and D. Saupe, “Subjective annotation for a frame interpolation benchmark using artefact amplification,”
Quality and User Experience, vol. 5, no. 1, Art. no. 1, 2020, doi:
Current benchmarks for optical flow algorithms evaluate the estimation either directly by comparing the predicted flow fields with the ground truth or indirectly by using the predicted flow fields for frame interpolation and then comparing the interpolated frames with the actual frames. In the latter case, objective quality measures such as the mean squared error are typically employed. However, it is well known that for image quality assessment, the actual quality experienced by the user cannot be fully deduced from such simple measures. Hence, we conducted a subjective quality assessment crowdscouring study for the interpolated frames provided by one of the optical flow benchmarks, the Middlebury benchmark. It contains interpolated frames from 155 methods applied to each of 8 contents. For this purpose, we collected forced-choice paired comparisons between interpolated images and corresponding ground truth. To increase the sensitivity of observers when judging minute difference in paired comparisons we introduced a new method to the field of full-reference quality assessment, called artefact amplification. From the crowdsourcing data (3720 comparisons of 20 votes each) we reconstructed absolute quality scale values according to Thurstone’s model. As a result, we obtained a re-ranking of the 155 participating algorithms w.r.t. the visual quality of the interpolated frames. This re-ranking not only shows the necessity of visual quality assessment as another evaluation metric for optical flow and frame interpolation benchmarks, the results also provide the ground truth for designing novel image quality assessment (IQA) methods dedicated to perceptual quality of interpolated images. As a first step, we proposed such a new full-reference method, called WAE-IQA, which weights the local differences between an interpolated image and its ground truth.BibTeX
U. Ju, L. L. Chuang, and C. Wallraven, “Acoustic Cues Increase Situational Awareness in Accident Situations: A VR Car-Driving Study,”
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, pp. 1–11, 2020, doi:
Our work for the first time evaluates the effectiveness of visual and acoustic warning systems in an accident situation using a realistic, immersive driving simulation. In a first experiment, 70 participants were trained to complete a course at high speed. The course contained several forks where a wrong turn would lead to the car falling off a cliff and crashing - these forks were indicated either with a visual warning sign for a first, no-sound group or with a visual and auditory warning cue for a second, sound group. In a testing phase, right after the warning signals were given, trees suddenly fell on the road, leaving the (fatal) turn open. Importantly, in the no-sound group, 18 out of 35 people still chose this turn, whereas in the sound group only 5 out of 35 people did so - the added sound therefore had a large and significant increase in situational awareness. We found no other differences between the groups concerning age, physiological responses, or driving experience. In a second replication experiment, the setup was repeated with another 70 participants without emphasis on driving speed. Results fully confirmed the previous findings with 17 out of 35 people in the no-sound group versus only 6 out of 35 in the sound group choosing the turn to the cliff. With these two experiments using a one-shot design to avoid pre-meditation and testing naïve, rapid decision-making, we provide clear evidence for the advantage of visual-auditory in-vehicle warning systems for promoting situational awareness.BibTeX
K. Kurzhals
et al., “Visual Analytics and Annotation of Pervasive Eye Tracking Video,” in
Proceedings of the Symposium on Eye Tracking Research & Applications (ETRA), in Proceedings of the Symposium on Eye Tracking Research & Applications (ETRA). Stuttgart, Germany: ACM, 2020, pp. 16:1-16:9. doi:
We propose a new technique for visual analytics and annotation of long-term pervasive eye tracking data for which a combined analysis of gaze and egocentric video is necessary. Our approach enables two important tasks for such data for hour-long videos from individual participants: (1) efficient annotation and (2) direct interpretation of the results. Exemplary time spans can be selected by the user and are then used as a query that initiates a fuzzy search of similar time spans based on gaze and video features. In an iterative refinement loop, the query interface then provides suggestions for the importance of individual features to improve the search results. A multi-layered timeline visualization shows an overview of annotated time spans. We demonstrate the efficiency of our approach for analyzing activities in about seven hours of video in a case study and discuss feedback on our approach from novices and experts performing the annotation task.BibTeX
J. Spoerhase, S. Storandt, and J. Zink, “Simplification of Polyline Bundles,” in
17th Scandinavian Symposium and Workshops on Algorithm Theory, SWAT 2020, June 22-24, 2020, Tórshavn, Faroe Islands, in 17th Scandinavian Symposium and Workshops on Algorithm Theory, SWAT 2020, June 22-24, 2020, Tórshavn, Faroe Islands. 2020, pp. 35:1--35:20. doi:
We propose and study a generalization to the well-known problem of polyline simplification. Instead of a single polyline, we are given a set of l polylines possibly sharing some line segments and bend points. Our goal is to minimize the number of bend points in the simplified bundle with respect to some error tolerance δ (measuring Fréchet distance) but under the additional constraint that shared parts have to be simplified consistently. We show that polyline bundle simplification is NP-hard to approximate within a factor n^(1/3 - ε) for any ε > 0 where n is the number of bend points in the polyline bundle. This inapproximability even applies to instances with only l=2 polylines. However, we identify the sensitivity of the solution to the choice of δ as a reason for this strong inapproximability. In particular, we prove that if we allow δ to be exceeded by a factor of 2 in our solution, we can find a simplified polyline bundle with no more thanO(log (l + n)) ⋅ OPT bend points in polytime, providing us with an efficient bi-criteria approximation. As a further result, we show fixed-parameter tractability in the number of shared bend points.BibTeX
M. Kraus
et al., “A Comparative Study of Orientation Support Tools in Virtual Reality Environments with Virtual Teleportation,” in
2020 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), in 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR). 2020, pp. 227–238. doi:
Movement-compensating interactions like teleportation are commonly deployed techniques in virtual reality environments. Although practical, they tend to cause disorientation while navigating. Previous studies show the effectiveness of orientation-supporting tools, such as trails, in reducing such disorientation and reveal different strengths and weaknesses of individual tools. However, to date, there is a lack of a systematic comparison of those tools when teleportation is used as a movement-compensating technique, in particular under consideration of different tasks. In this paper, we compare the effects of three orientation-supporting tools, namely minimap, trail, and heatmap. We conducted a quantitative user study with 48 participants to investigate the accuracy and efficiency when executing four exploration and search tasks. As dependent variables, task performance, completion time, space coverage, amount of revisiting, retracing time, and memorability were measured. Overall, our results indicate that orientation-supporting tools improve task completion times and revisiting behavior. The trail and heatmap tools were particularly useful for speed-focused tasks, minimal revisiting, and space coverage. The minimap increased memorability and especially supported retracing tasks. These results suggest that virtual reality systems should provide orientation aid tailored to the specific tasks of the users.BibTeX