P. Paetzold, R. Kehlbeck, H. Strobelt, Y. Xue, S. Storandt, and O. Deussen, “RectEuler: Visualizing Intersecting Sets using Rectangles,”
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Y. Zhang, K. Klein, O. Deussen, T. Gutschlag, and S. Storandt, “Robust Visualization of Trajectory Data,”
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P. Schäfer, N. Rodrigues, D. Weiskopf, and S. Storandt, “Group Diagrams for Simplified Representation of Scanpaths,” in
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J. Spoerhase, S. Storandt, and J. Zink, “Simplification of Polyline Bundles,” in
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H. Bast, P. Brosi, and S. Storandt, “Metro Maps on Octilinear Grid Graphs,” in
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P. Angelini, S. Chaplick, S. Cornelsen, and G. Da Lozzo, “Planar L-Drawings of Bimodal Graphs,” in
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M. Beck and S. Storandt, “Puzzling Grid Embeddings,” in
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T. Stankov and S. Storandt, “Maximum Gap Minimization in Polylines,” in
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H. Bast, P. Brosi, and S. Storandt, “Efficient Generation of Geographically Accurate Transit Maps,” in
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S. Funke, N. Schnelle, and S. Storandt, “URAN: A Unified Data Structure for Rendering and Navigation,” in
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S. Funke, T. Mendel, A. Miller, S. Storandt, and M. Wiebe, “Map Simplification with Topology Constraints: Exactly and in Practice,” in
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S. Funke, A. Nusser, and S. Storandt, “On k-Path Covers and their Applications.,”
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S. Funke, F. Krumpe, and S. Storandt, “Crushing Disks Efficiently,” in
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