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F. Petersen, B. Goldluecke, O. Deussen, and H. Kuehne, “Style Agnostic 3D Reconstruction via Adversarial Style Transfer,” in
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V. Hosu, B. Goldlücke, and D. Saupe, “Effective Aesthetics Prediction with Multi-level Spatially Pooled Features,”
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D. Maurer, N. Marniok, B. Goldluecke, and A. Bruhn, “Structure-from-motion-aware PatchMatch for Adaptive Optical Flow Estimation,” in
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N. Marniok and B. Goldluecke, “Real-time Variational Range Image Fusion and Visualization for Large-scale Scenes using GPU Hash Tables,” in
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N. Marniok, O. Johannsen, and B. Goldluecke, “An Efficient Octree Design for Local Variational Range Image Fusion,” in
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O. Johannsen, A. Sulc, N. Marniok, and B. Goldluecke, “Layered Scene Reconstruction from Multiple Light Field Camera Views,” in
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