August 1, 2022; Christina Warren

The exhibition "Stayin' Alive", which was on display in Konstanz between July and October 2021, won the Red Dot Design Award in the category "Exhibition Design". The exhibition was the final project of students who participated in the teaching module "Media Exhibition Design", in which SFB-TRR 161 project leaders Harald Reiterer (C01) and  Falk Schreiber (D04INF, Ö) are involved and for which they and their colleagues already received a Landeslehrpreis. The exhibition "Stayin' Alive" won a Golden CommAward in 2021, as well as a Golden Nail Award in 2022.

About the Red Dot Award

The “Red Dot” is an internationally recognized award for high design quality. Once every year, an international jury confers this seal of quality on projects that convince them with their design quality and creative achievement. Further information on the award can be found here.

About Media Exhibition Design

In the highly interdisciplinary teaching concept Media Exhibition Design, a unique cooperation between professors from the  University of Konstanz, the  HTWG Konstanz, and the  HFM Trossingen, students learn how to design and implement their own exhibition, with a final exhibition taking place every two years. Together with Prof. Stefan Hauser from the history department at the University of Konstanz and Prof. Eberhard Schlag from the architecture and design faculty at the HTWG Konstanz, SFB-TRR 161 project leader Harald Reiterer designed the teaching concept for Media Exhibition Design in 2013 and has since implemented it with various teaching teams. His expertise on multimodal interaction concepts for mobile computing as well as mixed reality is an integral part of the teaching concept. In 2017, the teaching team was joined by SFB-TRR 161 project leader Falk Schreiber, who contributes his expertise on immersive environments, virtual reality, and interactive visualizations.

Looking for an Expert?

The Project Leaders of the SFB-TRR 161 are experts in the field of visual computing. You are welcome to get in touch directly.

If you need help finding the right contact for your inquiry, please contact the Public Relations Team.

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