January 11, 2022; Christina Warren

Observable is a global community of visualization and analysis experts. Data analysts, data scientists, front-end developers, and others working with data create and share their work with millions of visitors. Thereby, they contribute to the largest collection of data visualization examples in the world.

One hundred particularly beautiful and informative of such examples were recently selected by Tom Larkworthy (@tomlarkworthy) from all Observable notebooks trending during 2021 (@trendingnotebo2 on Twitter). Featured in the category “Mathematics” is SFB-TRR 161 doctoral student René Cutura’s notebook “ Dimensionality Reduction Drawings”, which allows visitors to generate impressive drawings from a variety of datasets by using different dimensionality reduction techniques. “The picture gets drawn by drawing the voronoi cells of the intermediate results above each other with some opacity,” René comments on the stunning results.



Image created by using the iterative dimensionality reduction method t-SNE in René Cutura’s notebook “Dimensionality Reduction Drawings” on Observable.


About René Cutura:

René Cutura is a doctoral researcher at the Visualization Research Center at the University of Stuttgart. Within the SFB-TRR 161, he is a member of project A08 “ A Learning-Based Research Methodology for Visualization”.

Looking for an Expert?

The Project Leaders of the SFB-TRR 161 are experts in the field of visual computing. You are welcome to get in touch directly.

If you need help finding the right contact for your inquiry, please contact the Public Relations Team.

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