October 11, 2017; tb

For the third time, about 45 members of the SFB-TRR 161 met each other at the Status Seminar. This event took place from 27th to 29th October 2017, again in Blaubeuren.

Among the participants there had been the principal investigators, PhD students, other project members, as well as guests. On the one hand, they discussed the latest research results and developments and initiated further collaborations for the different Transregio projects and task forces. On the other hand, they developed ideas and plans for the hopefully upcoming second funding period.

Here you find some impressions of this Status Seminar.

Looking for an Expert?

The Project Leaders of the SFB-TRR 161 are experts in the field of visual computing. You are welcome to get in touch directly.

If you need help finding the right contact for your inquiry, please contact the Public Relations Team.

BOGY in der Forschung?

Du möchtest schon während der Schulzeit die Welt der Forschung kennenlernen? Du möchtest dich über die Studiengänge an unseren Transregio Partnern informieren? Du programmierst gerne oder interessierst dich für Informatik und Computergrafik?

Ein BOGY im SFB-TRR 161 gibt dir die Chance, dich mit unseren Forschern auszutauschen und in die Arbeitswelt der Wissenschaft einzutauchen.

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