April 11, 2022; Christina Warren

At the PacificVis 2022 conference, Daniel Weiskopf, SFB-TRR 161 Speaker and Co-Director of the Visualization Research Center (VISUS) at the University of Stuttgart, gave a keynote on "Multidimensional Visualization"--one of the core topics of visualization research. In 2022, the PacificVis conference is held online from April 11 through April 14.

About PacificVis
PacificVis is an IEEE sponsored international visualization symposium held in the Asia-Pacific region, with the objective to foster greater exchange between visualization researchers and practitioners, and to draw more researchers in the Asia-Pacific region to enter this rapidly growing area of research. PacificVis is a unified visualization symposium, welcoming all areas of visualization research such as: information visualization, scientific visualization, graph and network visualization, visual analytics, and specific applications such as (but not limited to) security-, software- and bio-visualization. (Source: Conference Wesite of PacificVis, https://pvis2022.github.io/pvis2022/)

Looking for an Expert?

The Project Leaders of the SFB-TRR 161 are experts in the field of visual computing. You are welcome to get in touch directly.

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