October 24, 2024; Christina Warren

For their challenge entry to the Bio+MedVis Challenge at IEEE VIS 2024, David Hägele (A01), Yuxuan Tang, and Daniel Weiskopf (A01, B01, INF, MGK, Ö) received an award for the Best Challenge Entry in the category Visual Analytics. Congratulations!

In their submission " Visual Compositional Data Analytics for Spatial Transcriptomics", they propose a visual analytics system with three linked views as an alternative for pie chart glyphs that are superimposed on a histological image of tissue. Their system allows analysts to explore and uncover patterns in the displayed cell type mixtures and to relate them to their spatial locations on the cellular tissue more effectively and more thoroughly than the existing visualization given for the challenge. 

About the Bio+MedVis Challenge 2024 

At the Bio+MedVis Challenge, researchers get together to solve problems around biology, medicine, and visualization. It is held yearly at the IEEE VIS conference. In 2024, the challenge took place as a virtual format on October 13. Two awards were presented at the event: one for a Best Challenge Entry in the category Visual Encoding and one in the category Visual Analytics.

Watch the whole session on YouTube

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