October 7, 2024; Christina Warren

At this year's European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), SFB-TRR 161 project leader Andrés Bruhn (B04) received an outstanding area chair award for his efforts in overseeing and coordinating the reviewing process in his area of research (optical flow, stereo, scene flow, data sets and benchmarks). In total, only 12 out of 469 area chairs were selected for this honor (2,6%).

In the past, Andrés Bruhn has already received several outstanding reviewer awards, two of them at previous editions of ECCV (2008, 2014). This time, however, it was the first time that also area chairs were honored at ECCV for their outstanding work.

Congratulations, Andrés!


About ECCV 2024

The European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) 2024 was held in Milan, Italy, from September 29 - October 4, 2024. Alongside CVPR and ICCV, the biennial conference is considered one of the top conferences in computer vision. This year 6 program chairs, 469 area chairs and 7.293 reviewers were responsible to write more than 26.000 reviews for an all-time high of 8.585 submissions. From these submissions eventually 2.387 have been accepted to assemble the ECCV conference program.

Looking for an Expert?

The Project Leaders of the SFB-TRR 161 are experts in the field of visual computing. You are welcome to get in touch directly.

If you need help finding the right contact for your inquiry, please contact the Public Relations Team.

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