July 4, 2017; tb

Many data sources are subject to inaccuracies, missing information, or other types of uncertainty. In this workshop, we want to discuss all aspects related to the visualization of such data, we want to understand different means for displaying different uncertain data types. Likewise, interaction with uncertainty visualization will be considered to address uncertainty-aware visual analytics. Is it possible to quantify the extent of perceived uncertainty transported by a visualization? What are mechanisms to specify uncertainty ranges from the user perspective? This workshop will address uncertainty in scientific visualization, information visualization, and visual analytics alike? We will also include the application perspective on uncertainty visualization.

The workshop also involves a talk from Prof. Min Chen, University of Oxford, on the subject of “ What is More Uncertain: Data, Visualization, or Insight?”.  When one uses Shannon entropy to measure the uncertainty at different stages of a basic visualization process, the uncertainty typically decreases from the data alphabet, to the visualization alphabet, and further to the decision alphabet. Meanwhile, the transformation from data to visualization introduces new uncertainty (e.g., due to occlusion and omission), and that from visualization to decision introduces further uncertainty (e.g., due to perceptual errors). In this talk, the speaker will explore the paradox about the uncertainty in visualization, addressing fundamental questions such as "why may uncertain visualization be beneficial?" as well as practical questions such as "what would be the design principles for uncertainty visualization?"

Organized by Oliver Deussen , Universität Konstanz, Daniel Weiskopf, Universität Stuttgart, both speakers of the SFB-TRR 161, and Rüdiger Westermann, TU München, the workshop takes place at the University of Konstanz from July 24-25, 2017.  Following many requests the number of possible participants was increased, so that everybody who was interested can participate.

More Information About the Workshop

Open Poster [PDF]


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