May 24, 2017; tb

Congrats to the Human Computer Interaction Group at the University of Stuttgart!

Scientists of the Transregio project C04 presented their latest paper "These are not my hands!: Effect of Gender on the Perception of Avatar Hands in Virtual Reality" at the this years ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI'17) in Denver. This forum is one of the most important conferences in the field of Human Computer Interaction. For their paper the HCI scientists Valentin Schwind, Pascal Knierim, Cagri Tasci, Patrick Franczak, Nico Haas and Niels Henze got an Honorable Mention Award.

Schwind, Valentin; Knierim, Pascal; Tasci, Cagri; Franczak, Patrick; Haas, Nico; Henze, Niels
“These are not my hands!”: Effect of Gender on the Perception of Avatar Hands in Virtual Reality Inproceedings
CHI '17 Proceedings of the 2017 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction, ACM Press, New York, NY, USA, 2017, ISBN: 9781450346559

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